Deutsch in der Firma

Book with MP3-Download

Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Russisch

Axel Hering, Dr. Juliane Forßmann

View content online Deutsch in der Firma En/Fr/It/Rus
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Availability: In stock

Level: B1 to C1

ISBN 978-3-19-207475-2

+ Description of contents

+ Product and delivery information

+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files

Our handy vocational language guide Deutsch in der Firma with its tough flexi-cover enables you to practise German words and phrases for typical job situations or to look them up quickly. Deutsch in der Firma is intended mainly for English French, Italian and Russian native speakers. For each of these languages there is a free MP3-Download with all sentences spoken in German together with their translation at:

Topics amongst others:

- new in the firm

- contracts and orders

- telephoning

- conflict situations

- meetings

- coordinating times, dates, appointments etc.

- small talk

and much more

sample pages / download:

audio samples/files: