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Photocopiables and Audio-CD
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Barbara Békési, Monika Clalüna, Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Roland Fischer, Dr. Ursula Hirschfeld, Mag. Maria Hirtenlehner, Claudia Hümmler-Hille, Eva-Maria Jenkins-Krumm, Lukas Mayrhofer, Jutta Orth-Chambah, Til Schönherr, Eduard von Jan
Level: A1 to A2
ISBN 978-3-19-401002-4
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
- 30 listening texts on MP3-CD
- photocopiable transcripts of the listening texts together with a variety of tasks practising listening comprehension
sample pages / download:
- Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf, 41,36 kB)
audio samples/files:
- Hörprobe (mp3, 2,46 MB)