Willkommen in Deutschland – Deutsch als Zweitsprache für Jugendliche, Heft I

Practice Booklet with Key

Dr. Birgitta Reddig-Korn, Constanze Velimvassakis

Willkommen in Deut., Zweits.Jugend.Heft1
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Availability: In stock

Available via Hueber Verlag everywhere except: Switzerland, Austria, Germany (DE)

ISBN 978-3-19-709597-4

+ Description of contents

+ Product and delivery information

+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files

7th to 13th school year

Topics of the practice booklets :

- module 1: Helo!

- module 2: At school

- module 3: Traveling

- module 4: We

- module 5: I – What's important for me

- module 6: Arrival in Germany

sample pages / download: