Themen aktuell 3

Zertifikatsband - Package

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Dr. Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Andreas Tomaszewski, Dr. Dörte Weers, Franz Specht, Heiko Bock, Jutta Müller

Themen aktuell 3, Zertbd., Paket
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Availability: In stock

Level: leads to B1

ISBN 978-3-19-431692-8

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Target group: adults and young adults (16+) throughout the world at elementary level (A1– B1)

Content: Themen aktuell is the revised edition of Themen neu – with new illustrations and photographs, modern layout and design and up-to-date texts and exercise material. Students learn in a variety of ways how to make themselves understood in everyday situations and to deal with simple literary and non-literary texts.

Themen aktuell 3 Zertifikatsband leads up to level B1 (Zertifikat Deutsch). This book is designed specifically to prepare students for the Zertifikat Deutsch. It revises systematically the grammar content of Themen aktuell 1 and Themen aktuell 2 and has an exam section with commentary and tips at the end of each chapter. At the end of the Workbook a set of model exam papers is included. Themen aktuell 3 Zertifikatsband has the same basic content as Themen neu Zertifikatsband.