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Level: leads to A2
ISBN 978-3-19-046000-7
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
• for approx. 80 lessons per level
• clear structure with double-page spreads for 2 lessons each: easily proportioned for all usual course types
• structured in small steps
• units covering a variety of topics
• emotive introduction in each unit
• modern text types appealing to the lifestyle of young, mobile people
• easy to teach even without a teacher's guide:instructions include description of social form (individual, partner or group work)
• well-tried exercise types with detailed and easy to understand instructions
• integrated revision loops at the beginning of each double lesson with the lead-in „Starten wir!“
• task-oriented approach: at the end of each double page a mini task or activity provides increased motivation
• lexical approach: learning chunks of language and the development of wordfields
• inductive grammar: clear and simple
• „Xtra Lesen“: reading texts with exercises at the end of each unit
• includes labelled portfolio tasks (dossier)
• encourages the task-based use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets
sample pages / download:
- Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf, 97,47 kB)
audio samples/files:
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 1,04 MB)
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 523,15 kB)
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 1,97 MB)
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 1,32 MB)