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Sicher! B2.1
Course- and Workbook with Workbook Audio-CD, Unit 1–6
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Dr. Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Susanne Schwalb, Dr. Magdalena Matussek
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
Coursebook section:
- transparent course structure
- trains the four basic skills as well as "Sehen und Hören" (watching and hearing), "Wortschatz" (vocabulary) and "Grammatik" (grammar)
- checklist of teaching aims at the end of each module
- topics from the areas of interest: everyday use, academic studies and vocational training
- a variety of well-designed and effective tasks and exercise types
- teaching learning strategies via specific tasks and practical tips
- cultural background information
Workbook section:
- further practice material for vocabulary, grammar and all the skills
- at the beginning of each unit repetition of important wordfields from previous levels
- simplifying complex grammar topics by repeated practice
- self-test at the end of each unit
- with Audio-CD
- closely linked with a wide-ranging choice of further practice materials on the Internet via an access code in the book