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Fit für den TestDaF
Tipps und Übungen
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Level: B2
ISBN 978-3-19-001699-0
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
Target group: students at intermediate level (CEF level B2/C1) wishing to study at a German university and to take the TestDaF exam
Content: A TestDaF exam preparation programme developed jointly by the TestDaF-Institute, the Goethe Institute and the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich.
It practises the form and content of typical exercises and tasks testing the four skills. A complete authorised model exam paper illustrates how it is set up and constructed and provides a “trial run” for students. The listening texts included in the training programme and the model exam can be found on the integrated Audio-CDs. The changes made in 2005 to the “Mündlicher Ausdruck” oral competence section have been included. The book contains solutions to all tasks and exercises as well as the scripts of all listening texts and is therefore suitable for self-study purposes.
Information on the most important exams of German as a foreign language and an overview are available on our Website at http://www.hueber.de/daf/pruefungen (in German).
sample pages / download:
- Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf, 145,24 kB)
- Leseprobe (pdf, 251,83 kB)
audio samples/files:
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 238,41 kB)
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 1,1 MB)
- Tonbeispiel (mp3, 2,1 MB)