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Schritte international im Beruf 2-6
Practice Book
Aktuelle Lesetexte aus Wirtschaft und Beruf
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Wiebke Heuer, Edith Schober, Wolfgang Baum, Ulrike Haas, Raffaella Pepe
Level: A1.2 to B1.2
ISBN 978-3-19-661851-8
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
Twenty specially written reading texts on topics from the world of work and business are followed by tasks and exercises and an answer key making these materials suitable both for classroom use and self-study.
This reader with its full colour photos and illustrations encourages students to improve their reading competence and increase their background knowledge of the worlds of work and business.
The book includes four reading texts per level practising and revising the vocabulary and structures in Schritte international.
sample pages / download:
- Inhaltsverzeichns (pdf, 44,85 kB)