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Reading Booklet

Carsten Tsara blickt nicht durch

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Franz Specht

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Availability: In stock

Level: A2

ISBN 978-3-19-001669-3

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CEF level A2

Carsten Tsara is in his early 30ies, lacks acumen, and his memory is also only average. Not particularly good qualifications for a private detective, one would think. But he is one. He trusts his intuition and his motto is: an ounce of practise is worth a pound of theory.

Sicher ist nur eins
Some important documents go missing in a company developing hightech materials. What lies behind it? Espionage? Blackmail? Intrigue? All of these? Or maybe none? One thing is certain. Walter Dessauer is going to lose his job unless detective Carsten Tsara solves the case quickly.

Also available as audio book (Hörbuch - Reading Booklet and Audio-CD).