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Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik – A Practice Grammar of German – aktuell
Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt
Level: A2 to C1
ISBN 978-3-19-327255-3
+ Description of contents
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+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
The newly revised and updated A Practice Grammar of German (teaching and exercise book for German grammar) is suitable for English speaking students at upper elementary and intermediate levels looking to acquire fundamental and comprehensive German skills.
The clearly-arranged standard grammar was designed with a modern, very learner-friendly and organized new layout and provided with updated and modernized exercise and sample sentences. The original structure and progression and the popular alternation between explanations and exercises remains intact.
The study goal is mastery of the language in spoken and written form. The grammar section is universally applicable and can be used for grammar exercise in coursework as well as for self-study.
An overview of conjugation and declination enables quick orientation for students.
sample pages / download:
- Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf, 60,6 kB)