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Motive A1 – Digitale Ausgabe
Digitalisiertes Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1–8 mit integrierten Audiodateien
Kompaktkurs DaF
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Dr. Wilfried Krenn, Dr. Herbert Puchta
(What is this?)
Available via Hueber Verlag everywhere except: Japan
Level: leads to A1
ISBN 978-3-19-131880-2
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
Digital workbook with MP3-files
- exercises for self-study at home
- revision exercises practising the content of the listening and reading texts of the coursebook
- additional listening texts
- practice in phonetics
- systematic practice of writing skills in the „writing workshop“
- essential new vocabulary in each lesson with notes on differences in usage in Switzerland and Austria
- integrated MP3-CD with all the listening texts and pronunciation practice of the workbook