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Schritte international 1
Teacher's Book
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Petra Klimaszyk, Isabel Krämer-Kienle
Level: leads to A1.1
ISBN 978-3-19-021851-6
+ Description of contents
+ Product and delivery information
+ sample pages / download / audio samples/files
Target group: adult and young adult learners (16+) throughout the world at elementary level (A1–B1)
Content: Following the huge success of our new elementary course Schritte, an international edition for all German learners worldwide has been published. Each lesson begins with an entertaining photo-story based on interesting topics, amusing stories and cultural background information. “Interludes” encourage learners to have fun with listening and reading texts that deal with interculturally relevant points of interest.
Schritte international 1 leads up to level A1/1.
In the Teacher’s book for every volume:
- extensive information on classroom work with methodical hints and suggestion on internal differentiation.
- many photocopiables:
* additional exercises for the classroom
* tests after each lesson
* games and repetition exercises after every other lesson
* transcripts of all listening exercises and solutions to all exercises in the coursebook and workbook.
sample pages / download:
- Test zu Lektion 3 (pdf, 48,87 kB)
- Leseprobe (pdf, 88,41 kB)