Laser (3rd edition)

Der frische und abwechslungsreiche Kurs Laser (3rd edition) eignet sich besonders für jugendliche Lerner. Alle drei Bände setzen auf umfassende, systematische Prüfungsvorbereitung durch spannende Themen und soliden Aufbau von Grammatik und Wortschatz.

Der Band Laser B1 bereitet auf die Prüfung PET (Preliminary English Test) vor. Die Bände Laser B1+ und Laser...


Laser A1+ (3rd edition)

  1. Laser A1+ (3rd edition)

    Teacher’s Book with Digibook (CD-ROM) and Teacher’s DVD-ROM

    ISBN 978-3-19-902928-1

  2. Laser A1+ (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD (without Key)

    ISBN 978-3-19-892928-5

  3. Laser A1+ (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD and Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-882928-8

  4. Laser A1+ (3rd edition)

    Class Audio-CD

    ISBN 978-3-19-912928-8

Laser A2 (3rd edition)

  1. Laser A2 (3rd edition)

    Class Audio-CDs

    includes Material for KET

    ISBN 978-3-19-962928-3

  2. Laser A2 (3rd edition)

    Teacher’s Book with Digibook (CD-ROM) and Teacher’s DVD-ROM

    includes Material for KET

    ISBN 978-3-19-952928-6

  3. Laser A2 (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD (without Key)

    includes Material for KET

    ISBN 978-3-19-942928-9

Laser B1 (3rd edition)

  1. Laser B1 (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-302929-4

  2. Laser B1 (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD without Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-312929-1

  3. Laser B1 (3rd edition)

    Student’s Book with ebook (plus Online)

    ISBN 978-3-19-862929-1

Laser B1+ (3rd edition)

  1. Laser B1+ (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD and Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-352929-9

  2. Laser B1+ (3rd edition)

    2 Class Audio-CDs

    ISBN 978-3-19-382929-0

  3. Laser B1+ (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD without Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-362929-6

  4. Laser B1+ (3rd edition)

    Student’s Book Package with ebook

    ISBN 978-3-19-812929-6

Laser B2 (3rd edition)

  1. Laser B2 (3rd edition)

    4 Class Audio-CDs

    ISBN 978-3-19-432929-4

  2. Laser B2 (3rd edition)

    Student’s Book Package with ebook

    ISBN 978-3-19-822929-3

  3. Laser B2 (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD and Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-402929-3

  4. Laser B2 (3rd edition)

    Workbook with Audio-CD without Key

    ISBN 978-3-19-412929-0